Sunday, February 16, 2025

I Will Not Go Up In Your Midst


I Will Not Go Up In Your Midst

Introduction: God's people, the nation of Israel, had journeyed from the Red Sea, having experienced great miracles there, and arrived at Mount Sinai in the third month after leaving Egypt. Moses, the leader of God's people, is called to the top of the mountain by the Lord, where he receives the words of Exodus 20-23. Then, the critical event of Exodus 24: 3 happens. Then Moses receives the covenant on a very solemn occasion ( 24: 7-8). Following this, the events of 24:12 and 13 occur. Moses is there on Mount Sinai for 40 days and 40 nights, where he receives instructions recorded in Max 25: 31. this helps prepare us for what happens next.

1.      The golden calf

it has been less than six weeks since the Israelites had sworn to do all God had commanded. Read Exodus 32: 1. How soon did they forget the covenant? They rebelled against Jehovah and Moses. Where were the elders?  They pressure Aaron, and he gives in. The golden jewelry, which was basically a gift God had given them in Egypt, is molded into a golden calf. Read verse four. The people say this is the God that brought them out of Egypt (psalms 106: 19- 21). They broke at least three of the 10 commandments.

2.      Moses intercedes

read verses 7: 8. The all-seeing God knows what has happened and informs Moses. “your people” period open quote turned aside quickly close quote period it is amazing how many Christians today quickly leave their first love. Read verses 9-10. “stiff-necked”- (Jeremiah 17: 23). God threatens to destroy the Israelites and make a new nation through Moses. This was a real test for Moses- what would he do? It was tempting to say nothing and let God deal with them. But Moses pleads for his people. Read verses 11-13. (Psalm 106: 23). He interceded for them. Jesus is said to do this for us (Hebrews 7: 25).

3.      The anger of Moses

Read Exodus 32: 15-16. Moses picks up Joshua on the way down. Read verse 19. The breaking of the tablets represents Israel breaking their covenant with Jehovah. Moses laid some of the blame on Erin. But Aaron blames the people totally. Instead of rebuking the people, Aaron just gave them what they wanted. (preachers often do this today).

4.      Moses makes a challenge

Read Exodus 32: 26. The Levites show their allegiance. 3000 of the offenders are killed. Sin had to be removed from the camp. This is still necessary today. Paul told the church at Corinth- (1 Corinthians 5: 4- 7). Failure to purge out sin will lead to a toleration of sin.

5.      God removes himself

(Exodus 33: 1) God tells Moses to continue his mission to lead the children of Israel into the promised land. But there would be some profound changes. Read verses 2-3. God does not refer to them as his people. God would not be in their midst anymore but would send his Angel instead. His close presence would be denied them this saddened the people (verse 4).

Invitation: Being separated from God's presence is a terrible tragedy. But being separated from him for eternity is worse than imaginable (2 Thessalonians 1: 7- 9 ). To avoid that, one must come to know God and obey the gospel.

February 9, 2025

Sermon prepared by Bobby Stafford

Prepared by Bobby Stafford

The church of Christ at Granby, MO

Located at
516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109

For more lessons and Sermons, please visit

Library of church of Christ Sermons and Outlines

And His Name Will be Called


And His Name Will be Called

Introduction: Read Isaiah 8: 19-22. When men leave God, they often turn to superstition—mediums, Wizards, and spiritualists. These were all forbidden by the law of Moses (Leviticus 20 and Deuteronomy 18). If they were concerned about the future of the nation, they should turn to God and his word. If the truth is ignored, a dismal picture is displayed. Against that gloomy outlook, Isaiah describes a brighter day.

Sermon Text: Isaiah 9: 1-7

1.  A great light will be seen (verses 1,2)

reading from the new American standard first, the region “suffered” at the hands of Assyria (2 Kings 15). But they would later be made “glorious.”  Galilee is in the hill country of Zebulon and Naphtali. By inspiration, they would see a “great light”- Matthew informs us that Jesus’s word in Galilee was a prophetic fulfillment of these verses- (Matthew 4: 12-17).

2.  A nation will be increased (verses 3-5)

(verse 3) there will be a rejoicing as in the days of harvest when there are great blessings. This would include the beginning of the one new spiritual nation composed of both Jews and Gentiles- the church (1 Peter 2: 9).

(Verses 4- 5) A yoke of burden would be broken in that coming, like when God delivered Israel from the Midianites (Judges 7). This yoke was sin. The Messiah would free them from this bondage (John 8:34- 36). This would be characterized as an age of peace as men submit to “the Prince of peace.”

3.  His name will be called (verses 6-7)

A child would be born- a virgin born according to Isaiah 7: 14. A son is given- (John 3:16). The divine government he would have authority over (Matthew 28: 18 ) (Zacharias 6: 12, 13 ).

Several titles are given to the Messiah describing his character and work:

·  Wonderful- due to his amazing nature (John 7: 46)- “no man ever spake as this man.” (John 20: 30, 31.)

·  Counselor—possessing all knowledge and wisdom, He will carry out God's plan for man's salvation (Matthew 17: 5 ). “This is my beloved son; listen to him.” By listening to him, we can enjoy that salvation.

·  Mighty God- all-powerful- Jeremiah 32: 16-19.

·  Everlasting Father – The Father of eternity- Psalm 90:2

·  Prince of peace- through the Messiah, men can find peace with God and with each other, and with themselves

Christ will reign on David's spiritual throne (Acts 12: 29-33; Luke 1: 31- 33) until the end of time—his reign will be one of judgment and justice.

Conclusion: we can rest assured that Jesus will be a fair and just judge; He will not change His word or promises. We are just to trust and obey

February 13, 2025

Sermon prepared by Bobby Stafford

Prepared by Bobby Stafford

The church of Christ at Granby, MO

Located at
516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109

For more lessons and Sermons, please visit

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Jesus Christ


Library of church of Christ Sermons and Outlines

Jesus’ Attitude Toward Women


Jesus’ Attitude Toward Women

Introduction: This series of lessons on women in the Bible would certainly not be complete without at least a brief look at Jesus's attitude toward women. Throughout his life, he had encounters with various women, revealing how he viewed them in general.

1.  Jesus's Attitude Toward His Mother Mary

while Jesus was growing up in his mother and Joseph's home. We find him being subject to them, obedient, under their authority (Luke 2: 51). Even though he was the son of god, he respected her and was submissive to her In his younger years.

His love and concern for her were still very apparent at the close of his earthly life. Even as he hung dying on his cross, he thought about his wonderful mother (John 19: 26,27). He wanted to ensure she was cared for, which is part of honoring one's father and mother. His attitude toward her showed he understood how important a mother's role is.

2.  Jesus's Attitude Toward the woman at the well in Samaria

Jesus's treatment of this woman reveals much. Few, if any, Jewish men mobile would share a drinking vessel with a Samaritan woman (John 4: 9). Samaritans and women, in general, were looked down upon by most Jewish men. Jesus knew the value of a human soul. He recognized her spiritual needs (John 4: 10). He knew she needed living water. Jesus treated her kindly when talking about her marriage situation. His attitude toward this woman led many to believe him (John 4:39).

3.  Jesus's Attitude Toward the woman with the 18-year infirmity

Consider Luke 13: 10-17. Even though many of the men present did not consider the woman of much more value than the beast of burden, Jesus did. His sense of compassion is clearly seen.

4.  Jesus's Attitude Toward the woman caught in adultery

consider John 8: 1-12. Self-righteous Pharisees failed to bring along the man who was her partner in adultery. He was every bit as guilty. They singled her out for punishment; Jesus obviously saw her potential. He did not treat her as the Pharisees had. He did not condone her sin. He just told her she must sin no more.

5.  Jesus's Attitude Toward the women at his resurrection

finally, let's remember that the first one privileged to see the resurrected Jesus was a woman- Mary Magdalene (Mark 16: 9). What a blessing!

Conclusion/Invitation: Jesus looked on the inside and saw people's potential. His words, " Go and sin no more,” also apply to us today. Galatians 3:26 states that women may receive salvation as fully as men do.

February 13, 2025

Sermon prepared by Bobby Stafford

Prepared by Bobby Stafford

The church of Christ at Granby, MO

Located at
516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109

For more lessons and Sermons, please visit

Sermon Library on:
Jesus Christ


Library of church of Christ Sermons and Outlines

The Providence of God


The Providence of God

Introduction: Although the word Providence never appears in God's word, the subject is taught throughout scripture. This word comes from a Latin word meaning “to take thought for, foresee.” A good definition is “that preservation, care, and governance which God exercises over all things that he has created, so that they may accomplish the ends for which they were created.”

The Providence of God includes a general Providence he exercises over the universe and a special Providence which God exercises on behalf of his children. One way the latter is seen is in the biblical doctrine of prayer, a privilege reserved for those in the Body of Christ today.

It is already seen that Providence is opposed to deism, which says that God made the world but never guides or intervenes in it in any way. This is the opposite of fate or chance, which sees everything in the world as just luck or the roll of dice.

1.      How God's Providence operates

a.      God never providentially acts inconsistent with his nature or his word. For instance, since God never tempts men to do evil (James 1:13,14), you could never claim that God providentially influenced someone to do wrong. Similarly, since God's word reveals how a person is saved, one could never say that God’s providence worked so that they could be saved another way.

b.      The Providence of God will never take away man's freedom of choice. God does not force anyone to do good or evil (John 5: 39, 40) but God does use people's choices to accomplish his divine purpose. Everything that happens is not God's Providence. Note the following about pharaoh in Exodus 8:15 and 9:1.

c.      The providential must be distinguished from the miraculous. A miracle is God's working on a plane above that of natural law. Providence is his utilization of natural law. In a miracle, the Lord works directly; in Providence, he operates indirectly, employing his means to accomplish the end. Example- Matthew 8 tells of Jesus and the disciples caught in a terrible storm on the sea of Galilee. He miraculously calmed the storm. Centuries earlier, during a drought in Palestine, Elijah prayed for rain, and God sent it, but he did so by his Providence by using normal means of rain clouds.

d.      God works behind the scenes in providence.  His providential workings are not as clearly seen as His miracles.  One should carefully avoid stating that some particular event was the working of God's Providence. Consider Mordecai's words to Queen Esther in Esther 4: 14 and Paul's words in Philemon 15, 16.  

2.      General Providence

a.      God's general Providence is manifested over the entire world. Christ “upholds all things by the word of his power” (Hebrews 1: 3). Colossians 1:17 says that all things consist in Christ. This means all things are held together or stand together. Scientists have been looking for the great unifying force in nature for years; picture scripture says that it is Jesus.

b.      The Bible declares that God controls the seasons, the sun, and the stars and sends the rains (Acts 14). 

c.      God provides for the animal Kingdom (Psalms 147, Matthew 6).

d.      God's Providence is manifested over the nations of the world (Daniel 2:21; 4:17). 

3.      The special Providence of God

a.      God has promised a special providential care for his special people.

b.      God's people are never alone- “I will never leave you or forsake you” (Hebrews 13: 5 ).

c.      God's people never have to live a life filled with constant fear. “the Lord is my helper, I will not fear what man can do to me” (Hebrews 13: 6). God cares for us and helps Christians in a way he doesn't help anyone else (Psalms 34:15-17).

d.      Consider the words in one Corinthians 10: 13. What a great comfort.

e.      Consider the words in Romans 8:28- how magnificent.


the biblical doctrine of God's Providence brings courage and hope to all who love God and seek his Kingdom first.

February 13, 2025

Sermon prepared by Bobby Stafford

Prepared by Bobby Stafford

The church of Christ at Granby, MO

Located at
516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109

For more lessons and Sermons, please visit


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Library of church of Christ Sermons and Outlines

The Two Covenants


The Two Covenants

Introduction: Many questions come up when we talk with our religious neighbors. One very common one is, “Why do you go by the New Testament and not the Old?” Usually, they are asking, " Why do you base your beliefs and practices solely on the New Testament and not the Old? " This is a very important question—and answer to which we need to be able to give.

1.  The law of Moses

It is often called the “Old Covenant” or the “Old Testament”.

·  The old law was given to only a certain through (Deuteronomy 5:1-4). It was given to the nation of Israel.

·  This covenant was made with them to help them understand what sin was and its horror (Romans 7: 7- 11 ). It was also given to lead men to Christ (Galatians 3:23-25). The law of Moses pointed to the coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. It prepared people for that great event.

·  The law of Moses could not truly justify anyone (Galatians 3: 10- 11), nor could it take away sins (Hebrews 10:1-4)

·  This covenant with Israel was only meant to be temporary, never intended to last to the end of the world (Jeremiah 31:31-34, Galatians 3:19,16).

2.  The law of Christ- New Testament- new covenant

·  Consider Matthew 17:1-5. Peter, after witnessing Jesus talking with Moses and Elijah, offers to make three tabernacles, making no distinction between them. But God the Father says, " No. Hear, my son. He is the one to listen to now.” That covenant and law that Moses or Elijah represented would soon be taken out of the way and a new one established (Colossians 3:17).

·  Paul wrote that Jews and Gentiles are now in the same covenant relationship (Ephesians 2:11-18 ). The old law was done away with at the cross.

·  Paul points out in another place that we are all dead to the law of Moses (Romans 7: one- 6 ). When the law of Moses died (Jesus nailed it to the cross). The Jews died to their responsibility to it.

·  The new law- the new covenant is far superior to the old one (Hebrews 8:6).

Conclusion/invitation: The Lord's church does not turn to the Old Testament for its beliefs and practices because the covenant is over. That law fulfilled its purpose. We can still learn from its examples, but we are to listen to Jesus and submit to his authority, not that of Moses. Will you submit to Jesus today?

February 13, 2025

Sermon prepared by Bobby Stafford

Prepared by Bobby Stafford

The church of Christ at Granby, MO

Located at
516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109

For more lessons and Sermons, please visit


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Bobby Stafford


Library of church of Christ Sermons and Outlines

What Can We Learn From Noah?


What Can We Learn From Noah?

Introduction: Throughout the ages, men have discussed the question, " How is man saved?” Numerous opinions have been put forth. Some say man is saved by grace alone. Others say man is saved by faith alone. While others say works save us. Which one is it? Can we be sure?

The only answer we can be sure of is found in God's word. While we live in the gospel age today, we can still learn much about God's dealings with his people. In the Old Testament, we will focus primarily on Noah's life to see how he was saved.

1.      Noah was saved by grace

Noah lived in a time of gross immortality and wickedness (Genesis 6: 5- 6). But Noah also sinned. Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” There was a difference between Noah and the world around him (Genesis 6: 9). His qualities caught God's eye (Genesis 6: 8). Noah found favor in God's sight. This meant Noah wouldn't suffer the wrath of God like the rest of mankind. Grace did not overlook or excuse Noah’s sins, but it was an undeserved gift. We are like Noah in many respects. We also live in a world that is overflowing with sin. Also, we sin, as did Noah. We can be saved from the punishment. We are due by receiving the grace of God (Ephesians 2: 8- 9). We do not deserve nor can we earn God's grace period, while Noah, who was saved by grace, was not saved by grace alone. Neither are we.

2.      Noah Was Also Saved by Faith

Consider Hebrews 11: 6-7. Jehovah warned Noah about the coming flood (Genesis 6: 17. God's grace is apparent here. Without it, Noah would have perished. But grace did not build the ark. Noah believed God and trusted God that he would do what he said. God said it, and Noah believed it. It was this faith that moved him to build the ark. This faith saved him. But he wasn't saved by this faith alone. Noah was saved by grace and faith.

We today must have faith as well. Especially we must believe that Jesus is the son of God, who died for our sins on the cross and was raised from the dead on the third day. Jesus said, “For if you do not believe that I am he, you will die in your sins” John 8: 24. Then consider Romans 10: 9- 10, which adds that we must also believe that he arose from the dead. That faith leads us to salvation. It is coupled with the grace we see in Ephesians 2:8.  God's grace and Noah's faith worked together.

3.      Noah Was Also Saved by works

consider Genesis 6:22. God's grace warned Noah about the coming flood, and he believed God was telling the truth. But if he had not built the ark, he would have died like everyone else. Noah's faith caused him to build the ark- to do the work god told him to do to be saved. God did not build the ark for Noah. Noah had to do that for himself. So, we see grace, faith, and works.  All involved in Noah's being saved from the flood.

Analogy: my wife makes the most delicious homemade bread. I have watched her make this bread on many different occasions and noticed that it requires several ingredients. She puts in flour, sugar, and eggs and always puts in a little pinch of yeast. I confess that I do not know my way around a kitchen, but I know little about yeast. Yeast does not make the bread nor gives it that wonderful taste; the other ingredients do that. Apart from the other ingredients, it really has little use, but don't think for a minute that the yeast is not important. The bread resembles a hard, blunt weapon without the yeast instead of an edible delight. In a crude way, yeast is to bread what works are to the Christian.  Without the grace of God and faith, works are useless. The opposite is true as well.


James 2:14-17. Faith that does not work is dead and good for nothing. Faith alone does not save (James 2: 24- 26 ). We access God's grace through works of obedience, not works of merit. So grace, faith, and works are all involved in our salvation.


4.      Noah Was Also Saved by water

consider 1 Peter 3:20. The water destroyed All of the wicked.  This sinful world was washed away by water. But eight precious souls were saved by water. So, Noah was saved by grace, faith, works, and water. All four were working together!

Consider 1 Peter 3:21. God says in his word that baptism now saves us—it washes away our sins just like the waters of the flood washed away the sins of the world. Our sins today are washed away by water (Acts 2:38 and Acts 22:16). Mark 16:16 shows us how faith and baptism are tied together for our salvation.


God's word says grace, faith, works, and water save us. But we are not saved by grace alone, faith alone, works alone, or water alone. Any of these alone saves no one.

God's grace made salvation and an eternal home in heaven possible. Our faith trusts in God and should lead us to repent, confess, and be immersed in water.

February 13, 2025

Sermon prepared by Bobby Stafford

Prepared by Bobby Stafford

The church of Christ at Granby, MO

Located at
516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109

For more lessons and Sermons, please visit






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Library of church of Christ Sermons and Outlines

A Good Servant


A Good Servant


A servant of Jesus Christ submits to Jesus as Lord and spends their life serving him. Those who will hear the words “well done, good and faithful servant” on the day of judgment will be those who have been faithful in carrying out their duties, Matthew 25.

Sermon text:1 Timothy 4: 6-11


1.      Good servants are nourished in the faith (verse 6).

“These things” in this context; some would depart from the faith, (verses 1 and 2). In principle, this means that they are departing from all that God's word teaches.

A good servant warns others about false teachers and does what he can to prevent them from leaving the faith (2 Timothy 4:1- 5).

Good servants must be nourished in the words of faith and good doctrine. Servants must feed upon the word of God and be sustained by it (Acts 20: 32).  Timothy had been nourished by the truth of scripture (2 Timothy 3: 14, 15 ). Good doctrine implies that there is such a thing as bad doctrine. Christians who feed upon bad doctrine become bad servants.

“Which you have carefully followed” is extremely important. Good servants are diligent in learning the truth and following it closely.

2.      Good servants must exercise (versus 7- 9)

being a good servant includes rejecting certain things:

·         Profane is any unholy belief and does not come from God's holy word.

·         Old wives' fables are fictitious stories or superstitions (Titus 1: 13, 14).  Instead, a good servant exercises with a view toward godliness.

·         “Exercise” - the noun form of the Greek verb translates gymnasium. Just as athletes must train vigorously to attain their goals, the good servant must strenuously exercise to attain a life of godliness. Developing a Christian character involves continuing, putting in the effort and practice. A life of unending study and effort is necessary ( 2 Corinthians 7: 1).

·         “Godliness” - means reverence and respect for God and his word. This must be The goal of every good servant of Jesus Christ.  Bodily or physical exercise only profits the outward man and is of short duration and limited degree. Its benefits pertain only to our time on earth. On the other hand, godliness provides benefits both on earth and in heaven, in both time and eternity. It is far more important to have a healthy strong soul that you have a healthy, strong body (Matthew 6: 33).

·         “Faithful saying” means Dependent and worthy of acceptance by all.

3.      Good servants must labor and suffer reproach (verses 10, 11)

to receive that reward in heaven is why Paul labored and suffered reproach. All good servants must labor- work to the point of exhaustion! Christians must give their life to this effort (Romans 12:1). 

To suffer reproach- all who live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution (2 Timothy 3: 12 ). This means suffering for doing what is right!

A life of service to Christ is a life of trust and should be fully confident in God's promise (Revelation 2: 10).

How is God the savior of all men?

·         Jesus is the potential savior of all men. Jesus died so that all could be saved.

·         He is the savior of everyone who is saved. There is no salvation anywhere else. Saved people have an active and obedient faith (James 2 ).

(Verse 11) there is something absolute that must be taught and obeyed. 



A good servant places their faith in Christ and obeys him in all things, closely following the gospel and trusting the promises of God.

April 26, 2020

Prepared by Bobby Stafford

The church of Christ at Granby, MO

Located at
516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109

For more lessons and Sermons please visit

Christian Living