The Letter to the Church at Sardis
Lesson 8The Church at Sardis Introduction: Sardis was the capital of Lydia and a commercial trading center. Five major highways led to it. It was naturally fortified on three sides which was why it had only been captured twice. The city was taken when the attackers came from behind and took the city when the defenders weren’t watching carefully. Body: “Seven Spirits” – Symbolic of the Holy Spirit with His gifts and power
“Seven Stars” – Messengers (angels) or leaders
“I Know” – Christ is always aware of what is happening in every congregation.
Christ knew their reputation as a “living” church was false. They were actually dead! Even though others thought highly of them, Christ knew better.
Even though a congregation may have a great deal of activity (programs of different kinds, meetings of different age groups, trips, etc.) does not mean the Lord approves of them. Faith and obedience are what matters. (Hebrews 5:9)
“Not perfect” – They needed to finish what they had begun. (Acts 14:26) Jesus wants us to be faithful in our endeavors for the church.
“Remember” – Hopefully they would see their condition and make appropriate changes. (II Corinthians 7:8-11)
“Come as a thief” – Possibly an allusion to His coming in judgment on the unrepentant. (Revelation 2:5) The church had become much like the city. They needed to remember and repent.
There were still a few in the church who had not stained their character with defilement of sin. (Jude :3) They were walking in purity of holiness. (Revelation 7:9) These few were the only real hope for the congregation. Their worthiness was not due to the works of merit but to faithful living.
White is heaven’s color. – The “over comers” – Faithful through life’s trials and sufferings.
His name will not be blotted out of the Book of Life. (Exodus 32:32-33, Luke 10:17-20, Philippians 4:3) Those who do not overcome will be blotted out of the book of life. This proves a child of God can fall from grace and lose his salvation. (Psalms 69:28, Revelation 21:27, Revelation 22:19)
“Confess his name” – Names will be acknowledged and given their reward, a crown of life. (Luke 12:8-9)
Conclusion: How vital it is for us to be watchful because Satan can creep up on us if we let our guard down. Bobby Stafford
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