Jesus’ Attitude Toward Women
Introduction: This series of lessons on women in the Bible would certainly not be complete without at least a brief look at Jesus's attitude toward women. Throughout his life, he had encounters with various women, revealing how he viewed them in general.
1. Jesus's Attitude Toward His Mother Mary
while Jesus was growing up in his mother and Joseph's home. We find him being subject to them, obedient, under their authority (Luke 2: 51). Even though he was the son of god, he respected her and was submissive to her In his younger years.
His love and concern for her were still very apparent at the close of his earthly life. Even as he hung dying on his cross, he thought about his wonderful mother (John 19: 26,27). He wanted to ensure she was cared for, which is part of honoring one's father and mother. His attitude toward her showed he understood how important a mother's role is.
2. Jesus's Attitude Toward the woman at the well in Samaria
Jesus's treatment of this woman reveals much. Few, if any, Jewish men mobile would share a drinking vessel with a Samaritan woman (John 4: 9). Samaritans and women, in general, were looked down upon by most Jewish men. Jesus knew the value of a human soul. He recognized her spiritual needs (John 4: 10). He knew she needed living water. Jesus treated her kindly when talking about her marriage situation. His attitude toward this woman led many to believe him (John 4:39).
3. Jesus's Attitude Toward the woman with the 18-year infirmity
Consider Luke 13: 10-17. Even though many of the men present did not consider the woman of much more value than the beast of burden, Jesus did. His sense of compassion is clearly seen.
4. Jesus's Attitude Toward the woman caught in adultery
consider John 8: 1-12. Self-righteous Pharisees failed to bring along the man who was her partner in adultery. He was every bit as guilty. They singled her out for punishment; Jesus obviously saw her potential. He did not treat her as the Pharisees had. He did not condone her sin. He just told her she must sin no more.
5. Jesus's Attitude Toward the women at his resurrection
finally, let's remember that the first one privileged to see the resurrected Jesus was a woman- Mary Magdalene (Mark 16: 9). What a blessing!
Conclusion/Invitation: Jesus looked on the inside and saw people's potential. His words, " Go and sin no more,” also apply to us today. Galatians 3:26 states that women may receive salvation as fully as men do.
February 13, 2025
Sermon prepared by Bobby Stafford
Prepared by Bobby Stafford
The church of Christ at Granby, MO
Located at
516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109
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