Monday, August 12, 2024

A Christian’s Aspirations

 A Christian’s Aspirations

introduction:  what do you aspire to?  What is your ambition in life?  What do you want to accomplish?  The Holy Spirit instructs Christians to focus their ambitions in a certain direction, 1 very different than the world's.

Text: 1 Thessalonians 4: 11-12


1.      Aspire to live quietly.

·        Fair-not running Heather or thither but stay at home and mind their own business, 2nd thessalonians 3: 11-12.  Not causing division or disruption. Peaceful-free from hostility and conflict towards others. Not trying to cause problems. Describes a Christian woman, 1 Peter 3:4. Try to get along with people, as best you can. Do your best not to stir the pot.

·        Try not to go out of our way to draw attention to ourselves. Not desiring people to look at us and all that we are doing. Don't make a display of ourselves. Matthew 23: 5-7.

·        Leading a quiet life also means not allowing the world to distract us from our Christian service.  Recall the following account of the sower and the seed, luke 8: 14. These three are obstacles to being fruitful spurts of Christ.  2 Timothy 2: 4

2.      Mind your own business

·        this would include not meddling in the affairs of others. Being a busy body is evidence of a disorderly life, 2nd Thessalonians 3: 11.  An undisciplined life. We are not to be nosey, wanting to know everything going on in other people's lives. Many people love to hear all the latest gossip. What is happening with Mr. X or missus why, proverbs 26: 17. The dog will probably bite you don't invade people's privacy.

·        Advice- do not interfere in other people's lives. Let them open up to you if they want. Do not pry.  If someone is not ready to share, do not pressure them. Be there for them, but do not dig or pry.

3.      Work with your own hands

·        God expects those who are able to work to do so, 2nd Thessalonians 3: 10-11.  Not willing to work karma being idle and doing nothing gets many people in trouble. And idle mind is the devil's playground, proverbs 19: 15.

·        Christians are meant to work, we have responsibilities while we are on earth. We must not ignore them, 1 Timothy 5:8.  Doing nothing is bad in God's eyes.

·        We are to be diligent in our work, colossians 3: 23, also Ecclesiastes 9: 10.

4.      Walk properly

·        we are to behave properly toward outsiders- those outside the body of christ. Set a proper christian example, 1 peter 2: 12.  Hopefully our walk might lead others to become followers of Christ. We are to be light bearers to the world, philippians 2: 15.  Our light should penetrate the spiritual darkness in the world. Also send full behavior may cause unbelievers to speak against God, Romans 2: 24. We do not want our improper behavior to cause others to speak against the gospel or the church. Our proper walk includes not being in need. We should not be lazier others need to support us. We should never take advantage of the kindness and generosity of others. We need to do our best to care for ourselves, Ecclesiastes 11:6.



the Holy Spirit in our text reveals what a Christian aspirations and ambitions should be. Aspire to live quietly, mind your own business, work with your own hands, and walk properly toward outsiders.

Prepared By Bobby Stafford

The church of Christ at Granby, MO

Located at
516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109

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