Monday, August 12, 2024

Are you a complacent Christian?

 Are you a complacent Christian?


complacency has plagued God's people from the beginning. It is still a threat today. Complacency keeps us from growing in our faith and forsaking our sins. Our lesson today focuses on the days of Zephaniah.  There are many lessons that will help us not become complacent in our service.

Zephaniah was the great grandson of Hezekiah who prophesied during the days of king Josiah.(630 – 625 BC).  Recall Josiah became king at age 8; began to seek Jehovah at 16; And started his reforms at age 20. His reforms did not change the hearts of the people. They were still corrupt call them practiced injustice call him loved luxury and extravagance, and worshipped idols. The readers were evil and the priests worldly.

The Lord through Zephaniah calls for a time of absolute silence karma Zephaniah 1: seven. The day of the Lord is at hand and God has prepared a sacrifice- the wicked of Judah! (Verse 8-9).  Clone with foreign apparel- they had put on, adopted, Pagan practices.  A condemnation of heathen superstition-leaping over the threshold. Also, some were using violent methods to accumulate wealth.

Zephaniah declares a day of crying and wailing due to the Lord inviting his guests- verse seven.  The Babylonians would slaughter the sacrifice by entering through the fish gate on the N wall of Jerusalem, verse 10. The sounds of trading- a market district of Jerusalem. Would be replaced by the sounds of anguish, verse 11.


1.      becoming too comfortable, verse 12

·        the Lord would expose those trying to hide. They had become like drops of wine, old settled wine- not fit to drink karma jeremiah 48: 11-12. Many had become comfortable with their lifestyle- wealthy houses, vineyards. That is what they lived for and focused on. The people had warned years ago about this danger, deuteronomy 6: 10-12.

·        Physical comfort is not by itself a bad thing period let us remember that all good Things come from God, James 1: 17. They are God's gifts to us, eclesiastica 5: 18-19. But physical blessings can distract us from the spiritual food we so desperately need, Luke 12: 19-21.

·        Money is not evil if used as God desires. We must not put our trust in physical riches or comfort, first Timothy 6: 17-19.  Comfort, like wealth, can be difficult to give up, matthew 19: 21- 24.

2.      Believing God won't judge, verse 12- 13

·        these people still believed God existed but that he didn't care if they were good or evil period on the day of judgment many who believed in God will still be lost, matthew 7: 21-23.

·        The people of zephaniah's day didn't believe the Lord would bless them. Yet jehovah left a constant witness to his care of all people, acts 14: 15-17.  It is by his power that we even exist, colossians 1: 16-17.  When we forget the Lord is the one who blesses us, then we will stop being thankful, Romans 1:20-22.

·        These people also didn't believe God would do evil. They did not fear him. Almost as if jehovah was just a wooden idol, jeremiah 10: 3-5.  But God has repeatedly shown throughout history that he will judge evil, 1st Corinthians 10: 6-11.  There is coming a day of judgment, hebrews 9: 27; Revelation 20: 11-12.


These people, complacent with their spiritual lives, would experience great disappointment, verse 12.  Their plans for the future would be canceled by the coming babylonian invasion. They were told to seek the Lord before it was too late, versus 2: 1 – 3.  These are words we should heed as well.

Prepared by Bobby Stafford

The church of Christ at Granby, MO

Located at
516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109

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